When someone faces betrayal in a relationship, it can sometimes be a very difficult and painful experience. It is very effective & powerful to turn to Betrayal in Relationship Quotes for comfort and guidance during difficult times.
How can quotes about betrayal help people cope with tough times? It can help us find a way to overcome the problem by providing a sense of understanding. When we have been betrayed, it can be easy to feel alone and misunderstood. Reading these insightful quotes from others who have had similar experiences can make us feel less alone and control our emotions.

For those who have experienced betrayal in love, friendship or in a relationship, the only way to overcome it is to forget your hurtful & painful experience. Instead, find happiness in what you have at present.
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It is helpful to read loyalty and betrayal quotes in a relationship to gain insight into ourselves and cope with the emotions and pain we have experienced in that relationship.
Betrayal In Relationship Quotes
- A friend who tells you what he thinks you want to hear isn’t worth having.
- A good partner will help you achieve success. A great partner will help you realize your potential.
- A happy marriage requires two people who want to grow together.
- A happy relationship requires constant communication: open lines of communication.
- A man cannot escape his destiny.
- A romantic relationship should be based on mutual respect, trust and understanding.
- A true friend will tell you the truth, even when it hurts.
- Actions speak louder than words.
- All good things come to those who wait.
- All relationships have ups and downs.
- All things come to those who wait.
- Always believe in love. Even if you think there’s no chance.
- Always remember, there are two sides to every story.
- Always trust your heart, but keep your mind alert.
- As long as you can remember love exists, love will exist.
- As long as you have hope, there is always a chance that you can change things for the better.
- Be gentle with yourself. You are still perfect.
- Be kind to others because eventually you will become one of them.
- Be prepared to have your expectations broken, especially if they are unrealistic ones.
- Being alone doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve failed at making a relationship work.
- Believe in love, and everything else follows.
- Believe in love, believe in life.
- Communication is the key to a successful relationship.
- Dare to dream big dreams, and build your future together by being there for each other.
- Do not dwell on past failures, but rather on what you intend to do next time.
- Do you hate me now because I did what I had to do? Or because I didn’t tell you what I was going to do?
- Doing the right thing is often easier than doing the right thing.
- Don’t hold anything back from the one person you’re supposed to share everything with.
- Don’t lose faith, keep working hard!
- Don’t take things from the past too seriously. You can only do better tomorrow.
Quotes About Betrayal In Relationships
- Don’t worry, be happy.
- Even though we hurt each other, we still need to work together.
- Every day should bring joy and laughter, no matter how bad your problems might seem at times.
- Every day, every moment, every second is a gift. And once it’s gone it’s gone forever.’
- Every relationship goes through three stages: the honeymoon period, the stormy weather, and the sunshine.
- Every time you see a rainbow, you’re seeing God smile down upon you.
- Everyone deserves to be loved by the person he/she really cares about.
- Everyone has secrets, but we try to hide ours. But no one is truly safe.
- Everyone needs somebody to love.
- Everything happens for a reason – just because it seems unfair does not mean it wasn’t meant to happen.
- Falling in love is easy, staying in love is hard.
- Forgiveness is a process that takes place within us, allowing us to heal, to let go, and to become whole again.
- Forgiveness is hard, but it pays off tenfold.
- Give 100 percent of yourself to whatever you do.
- Happiness is an inside job.
- Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.
- How do you know if you’re really loved? By seeing the world through their eyes.
- I am afraid of being alone. If I don’t accept myself, who will?
- I am what I am, but I’m not all bad. Everyone has good inside them too.
- I would rather hear my children laugh than watch them grow older.
- I’m afraid I’ll end up like my mother. She married a man she loved but didn’t know until after he died.
- I’m not saying that we shouldn’t fight – we should fight fair!
- If we could see the future and control it, then we wouldn’t need God.
- If you are holding back your affection, it’s time to free yourself from the chains of resentment.
- If you can find happiness in the little things, you’ll never need a lot.
- If you wait until you feel ready, you may never start.
- If you want to change your partner, start changing yourself.
- If you want to live happily ever after, marry someone who wants the same thing.
- If you want to win love, you’ve got to offer it.
- In a relationship, don’t keep score.
Quotes For Betrayal In Relationships
- In order for two hearts to beat as one, one has to respect the boundaries of the other.
- In order to be truly happy, you must first understand true happiness.
- It is very possible that if I had given up my dream, I would never have found out how much I loved it.
- It takes courage to fall in love, but even more courage to stay in love.
- It takes more strength to open your heart than to keep it closed.
- It takes two people to build a relationship, but only one to break it.
- It’s not how many great moments you share together, it’s how well you deal with the bad ones.
- It’s wonderful when you meet someone who makes you feel young again.
- Laughter is more powerful than any positive word, and often has a healing effect on our lives.
- Learn to listen to your intuition and follow its lead.
- Let go of perfectionism.
- Let go of who you think you ought to be to fit into somebody else’s idea of the ideal partner.
- Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting, it simply means accepting reality.
- Letting go of anger is perhaps the hardest thing to do.
- Life is too short to spend it arguing over trivial matters.
- Life is too short to stay angry.
- Life is tough enough without having to worry about whether or not your spouse loves you.
- Life without love is like a day without sun or rain: monotonous and gloomy.
- Live every moment like it was your last.
- Love comes when you make room for it.
- Love doesn’t require any guarantees, because all you can guarantee is that you won’t get hurt.
- Love is a choice, and I choose to stay in love everyday.
- Love is a choice, not a feeling.
- Love is always better than hate, no matter how good the hate might seem at first.
- Love is an act of self-discipline.
- Love is blind, but marriage is a little crazy.
- Love is blind, not just sightless.
- Love is giving somebody all of yourself, even though they may hurt you sometimes.
- Love is just a word until you see it written down.
- Love is like a river; as wide as life itself.
Quotes About Dishonesty And Betrayal
- Love is made up of little things done for someone else every day.
- Love is more important than anything, even money!
- Love is not blind; It sees for itself.
- Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
- Love is something beautiful and special that everyone deserves to experience.
- Love is something that grows over time.
- Love is something you give freely, for as long as you possibly can, and then you give some more.
- Love is sometimes like a flower; it doesn’t bloom unless the sun shines on it and gives it warmth.
- Love is the fulfillment of our dreams. Love fulfills us.
- Love is the most beautiful word in the world. But it’s also the most misunderstood.
- Love is the most important decision we’ll ever make.
- Love is when two people are so perfect for each other that neither has any reason to leave.
- Love isn’t about finding someone perfect; it’s about accepting imperfection.
- Love isn’t something that comes and goes, it’s something that stays.
- Love means giving without expecting anything in return.
- Love yourself enough to let someone else love you too.
- Love yourself enough to let yourself be loved by somebody else.
- Many things happen in life which we think would never happen. As long as you remain calm, all will be well.
- Marriage isn’t about finding the right person; it’s about becoming the right person.
- Never stop believing in love.
- Never stop learning new things.
- Never stop learning new things. You’ll always learn something new if you open your mind.
- Never tell anyone your troubles. They won’t understand anyway.
- No matter what anyone says, you can’t get away from the fact that life is full of surprises.
- No matter what happens in your life, never lose faith in your soul. Trust that you came here on purpose.
- No matter what happens, you both deserve to be happy.
- No one ever said romance was dead! Just be sure you’re doing it right!
- Nothing is so difficult that it cannot be overcome by sheer persistence.
- Once you learn how to forgive, you begin to heal.
- One kiss at a time.
Betrayal Quotes And Sayings
- People come into your life to teach you lessons so you can help someone else along the way.
- People don’t change, only circumstances.
- People who really love each other don’t mind being away from each other.
- Real relationships take time, patience, and effort.
- Relationship Quotes On Facebook. “Love is not simply about romance –it demands action.
- Remember that life is full of surprises, and if you don’t go with the flow, you’ll end up floating alone.
- Remember, it’s not the size of your house, it’s about the size of your heart.
- Some days are only meant to make you laugh…and cry.
- Sometimes we need to let go of people who hold us back before letting them go.
- Sometimes you need to let go of someone so much that letting go means to lose him/her forever.
- Sometimes, just saying hello can change a whole relationship.
- Sometimes, one person needs to make a sacrifice for the sake of the other person.
- Sometimes, we just have to live with our choices and let them go.
- The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.
- The best way to fall in love is to never stop trying.
- The best way to show affection towards another is simply to enjoy doing nice things for them.
- The deepest secret of betrayal is that there was really nothing secret.
- The key to happiness is being able to laugh and smile even under the worst circumstances.
- The truest love comes from within and shows on the outside.
- There are two ways to live: You either make friends, or you become a friend. It’s that simple.
- There is always room for improvement in your personal life and career.
- There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.
- There is no such thing as evil, only different kinds of ignorance.
- There’s nothing sweeter than the feeling of being needed.
- To forgive and forget is easy, but to learn to trust again is harder.
- To love another person is to accept them as they are, faults and all.
- To love is to know happiness.
Betrayal Quotes and Sayings about Relationship
Famous quotes about betrayal in love can provide comfort, understanding, perspective, and a sense of hope for people in tough times.
- To thine own self be true.
- To truly enjoy life, we must first accept its inevitable disappointments.
- True love is very rare, and it’s our job to seek it out.
- True love means being able to say ‘I’m sorry’ without feeling guilty.

- Try to understand the part of him/her that no one else understands.
- We are not here to live forever We are here to fight for the right reasons.
- We can’t run away from our feelings; we can either deny them or face them head-on.
- We learn to love by losing ourselves in the love of others.
- We must forgive ourselves for our mistakes and move on, forgetting our sorrows, because tomorrow is another day.
- We spend most of our lives searching for happiness, and then we die wondering where it went.
- What matters is not whether one gets knocked down, but getting back up.
- When I was younger, I thought my mother could see me cry, but now I realize she couldn’t.
- When you choose to love someone, you should be ready to forgive the rest of his faults.
- When you find yourself falling in love, fall. At least then you’ll know exactly what its like to fly.
- When you realize how precious life is, you won’t waste time worrying about nonsense.
- When you show appreciation, you attract gratitude.
- You can’t control everything in your life, but you can decide to control your attitude.
- You can’t expect to find love in every relationship.
- You cannot begin to understand the pain of betrayal until you are betrayed yourself.
- You cannot control another person’s feelings, but you can control your own behavior.
- You cannot give what you do not possess.
- You cannot live without hope —you cannot live with despair. If you do you die.
- You gain more wisdom by falling into trouble than by passing through security.
- You must never lose faith in love. There were times I had none, but I kept looking anyway.
- Your heart has eyes that look upon everything beautifully.
- Your heart is like a garden. The more you water it, the more beautiful it grows.
- Your heart knows if it’s broken before your head does.
- Your life will never be boring if you choose to live fully each day.