You can grab the immediate attention of your followers and make your birthday even more special with an amazing collection of 22nd Birthday Captions. Are you planning your or your bestie’s 22nd birthday?
Then you must try our excellent 22nd Birthday Captions for Yourself, Instagram posts, and best friends that include short, and funny that perfectly suit your need. Celebrating every day is essential; everyone should do this; humans are the most intelligent beings on the planet. We have the opportunity to celebrate birthdays once a year, so how anyone can forget it?
RELATED: 23rd Birthday Captions for Yourself

Table of Contents
Girlfriends’ birthdays are super special, and nobody can afford to miss that moment. Here you will find a separate section of 22nd Birthday Captions for girlfriends that are enough to impress your girl. Express your love by sending lovely romantic 22nd b’day captions with beautiful pics through Instagram.
22nd Birthday Captions
- 22 candles shine wonderfully. But I’ll still be shining after I blow out the fires.
- 22 certainly looks good on me. Happy 22nd birthday to a fresh new self.
- 22 years ago right on this day, I was born kicking and crying. Amazing all went past so fast and smooth.
- A very happy 22nd birthday to you, a charming prince – me.
- Another year older, another year wiser? I guess we’ll see!
- At 22, you may still hope to be young and save those happy childhood years, but don’t be confused by that feeling. Keep going on. Happy 22nd Birthday my daughter.
- Becoming 22 and suddenly all the teenagers seem like 12.
- Beginning from the bottom and now I am 22.
- Birthdays are good for me. The more I have, the longer I live.
- Birthdays are incomplete without the ones who love and care for you.
- Birthdays are the way nature tells us to eat more cakes.
- Buddy, Happy 22nd birthday to you, I hope you will have endless laughter from this special day.
- Calm down, it’s my 22nd Birthday.
- Can’t keep calm, I’m 22!
- Celebrate your birthday, and go have lots of fun, everybody should enjoy it and have tons of fun. Happy Birthday.
- Cheers to 22 years!
- Cheers to my 22 years.
- Come on Barbie, let’s go party. — Aqua, ‘Barbie Girl’
- Congratulations! You’ve been through 22 years now.
- Doing what you like is freedom, liking what you do is happiness.
- Facebook has some exciting news today.
- Forget about your age. Just have fun! It will catch up with you later when you find that your body can’t handle your lifestyle. Enjoy your birthday!
- Greetings at 22 years old.
- Happy 22nd Birthday my angel. I’m so proud to have you as my future wife and I want to show you to my friends to prove to them that angels exist. Enjoy your day.
- Happy 22nd Birthday my golden daughter. I remember what it feels like to be young. Now boys of your age will look at you more. Keep shining my girl. Enjoy your special day
- Happy 22nd birthday to a pretty, kind, lovely, brave yet naughty girl – me.
- Happy 22nd Birthday to my angel. I’m so happy to have you as my future wife. I would like to show you to the world to prove to my friends that angels exist.
- Happy 22nd Birthday to my lovely daughter. I know what it feels like to be young and attractive. From now on boys of your age will stare at you more. Keep shining my daughter. Enjoy your day.
- Happy 22nd birthday to my most loyal friend, myself. I hope you’re doing great today!
22nd Birthday Captions For Instagram
- Happy Birthday [insert name here], Cheers for surviving another crazy year, But buckle up as I promise you the forthcoming years are going to be even crazier.
- Happy Birthday to me, the only person I have lied to about age.
- Happy birthday to my son. It seems just a minute for you to get 22.
- Happy birthday to the funniest, most charming, and attractive personality in town. Have a great day today and happy birthday!
- Happy birthday, exceptional, exceptional birthday to you my friend!
- Happy birthday, my love! It’s your 22nd year today and I wish you a happy day.
- Have a very happy birthday from the most grateful girlfriend on the planet. I love you more than you know
- Hugs, kisses, and lots of birthday wishes!
- I am 22 now and I am acquainted with so many reasons to smile!
- I am becoming better and better each day and here comes another year of living myself to the fullest. Happy 22nd birthday, me!
- I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22.
- I came into this world 22 years ago on this big day. But I’m ageless.
- I can’t help being cute, I was born this way.
- I can’t keep calm, it’s my birthday.
- I do not take it as my 22nd birthday, I consider it as my first anniversary of being legit to buy wine.
- I don’t know how you feel, but I’m feeling 22.
- I don’t think of it as my 22nd birthday, I see it as my one-year anniversary of being able to buy wine.
- I feel so wonderful today, it’s my birthday. Finally, I’m 22 and this is the best year ever!
Best 22nd Birthday Captions
- I hope you’ll receive many gifts. But gifts won’t be able to make a 22-year-old happy any longer. But friends, I hope they will make your day today. Happy 22nd Birthday!
- I just wanted to say a massive thank you for all the lovely birthday wishes.
- I know we are friends forever and we share everything, so let us share this special day of you and celebrate it in the best possible way. Happy birthday.
- I love you like I love cake at a birthday party. Don’t forget to invite me. Happy Birthday.
- I want to give you so many gifts on this birthday, the first one is my time and the second is a hug.
- I want to say many things to you, let us start with a happy birthday.
- I will enjoy this special day to the utmost because it only happens once. Happy 22nd birthday!
- I will never leave you alone on this day because it is your birthday.
- I’m just here for the birthday cake.
- I’m not one who would refuse a party! I’ve had enough single time, so today is the day when all are changed. Happy 22nd birthday, me!
- Ice Creams, and Drinks. Time to start the Party.
- In good and bad times, I will always be by your side. Friend happy birthday!
- It took 22 years for me to get this pretty.
- It’s my birthday and the only thing I am excited about is gifts.
- It’s my birthday! Happy Birthday to me!
- It’s my special day today, so let’s enjoy this fun party like never before. Happy 22nd birthday to my humble self.
- It’s my special day today. Beginning Chapter 22.
- It’s surely going to be fun after fun for me today because it’s birthday. Happy 22nd birthday to myself.
- It’s time to drink some wine; it’s my birthday today. Happy 22nd birthday to a new me.
- Keep calm and celebrate on.
- Let’s celebrate as if it were my birthday.
- Life’s too short to not celebrate every chance you get! Happy Birthday to me!
Captions For 22nd Birthday
- Live your life and forget your age.
- May you continue to shine so bright like the sun and may your days be long like the earth’s distance to the sky. Happy 22nd Birthday dear. Enjoy your special day with friends and family.
- My 22nd birthday celebration starts right now.
- Never regret something that once made you smile.
- Never think you are alone, I am always there for all your fixes. Happy birthday.
- No need to keep your birthday a secret: it is not your looks but the smile on your face that shows that it is your birthday.
- Old enough to know better. Young enough to get away with it.
- On this birthday of yours, I want to tell the world how innocent you are and also that I am a liar.
- On this day a Queen came into this globe. Happy 22nd!
- On this day, a queen was born.
- On this meaningful day, someone lovely was born 22 years ago, and that someone is just me. Happy birthday to myself.
- Sending you an ocean of love on your special day, sweetheart! May your birthday be as cool and cheerful as you are!
- Started from the bottom now we 22.
- Surround yourself with people who are more excited for your birthday than you are.
- Thank you, dear God for all the grace to me. Just have fun today! Happy 22nd birthday to my wonderful self.
- The only thing I’m feeling is 22 beers.
- The only thing the comes to my ear is 22 beers.
- Today is a great day cause it’s my birthday!
- Today is the day we dance, party and celebrate because it is your birthday.
- Today’s my 22nd birthday. I’m so glad and thankful for what I have today. Happy birthday!
- Wow, kind of shocking it’s been another year already since my last birthday. Time flies by so fast and now I am 22-year-old!
- Writing birthday caption for best friend is difficult. It is even difficult when you have known him/her for a very long time. So, without words but with feelings wishing you a very happy birthday.
- You are my angel and words fail to describe how much I love you. Nothing in the world can take your place. Happy 22nd Birthday my love. Stay blessed.
- You are simply the best. Never spend a moment doubting it. My star glows. Happy Birthday
- You do the most adorable things without realizing.
- You know what looks good on me? 22 looks nice on me. Happy birthday to my pretty self.
- You’ll find that life is still worthwhile if you just smile.
- Your birthday is my birthday because we are twins. So happy birthday to you and also to me.
Funny 22nd Birthday Captions
- Been waiting years to quote Taylor Swift on this special day… but now it feels outdated. #22
- Shoutout to my mama who was in labor 22 years ago.
- Be careful what you wish for… My parents wished for me 22 years ago and look where that ended up.
- 22? Who cares. I just want cake.
- Officially 22, but still mentally about five.
- 22 years later and I’m still a hot mess.
- Made it to 22! I know. I’m as surprised as you are.
- Agent of chaos for 22 years.
- Tripping on my own feet for 22 years. Here’s to many more years of clumsiness.
- Got so distracted by cake, I forgot it was my own birthday. #SoThisIs22
- Another year older, but I’ll need some extra time for that ‘wiser’ bit. #22
- I don’t care how old I’m turning, so long as there’s cake.
- Gonna party like it’s my birthday…’cause it is.
- Today is my birthday but I’ll take gifts whenever.
- Your smile is making me feel good.
- I’m too young to be this old.
- Do not think that the end of this day would mark the end of happiness, it is just the beginning.
- I can’t wait to blow my candles out.
- Cute as a button, but not quite as smart.
- I hope you’ll get a lot of presents. But presents don’t make a 22-year-old happy anymore but friends. I hope many of them will make your day today. Happy 22nd Birthday!
- New year, same me… because I’m already awesome.
- If you are lucky enough to find a weirdo, never let them go. A big happy birthday to my weirdo, who’s another year older, but not wiser.
- All people smile in the same language.
- Of course, I don’t know how to act my age. I’ve never been this age before!
- May the fork be with you.
22nd Birthday Captions for Selfies
- 22. Serving cake, and serving looks.
- 22? Bring it on.
- Aging and raging. #22
- Another year, another selfie. #22
- Baddie since [insert birth year].
- Bday wish for the bday bish? #22
- Birthday mode: the youngest I’ll ever be, and the oldest I’ve ever been. #22
- Birthdays are just finger posts on the road of getting old.
- Bro, happy 22nd birthday, I wish that you would have tons of laughter for this special day too.
- Celebrating another level up. #22
- Cheers to a day as special as me
- Don’t worry about your age, you get a new one every year.
- Eating my cake and wearing it, too.
- Est. [Month]/[Day]/[Year]
- Found my birthday crown
- Friends come and go, best friends stay and I am staying for this birthday and every other you will celebrate.
- Getting badder with age. #22
22nd Birthday Captions For Pictures
- Growing and glowing. #22
- Happy Birthday, Baby! Being your girlfriend rocks. Except on your birthday because you have expensive taste.
- Happy birthday, we grew up together doing crazy things and now its time to do bigger ones.
- Hold on to your inner child as you grow older.
- I do not consider it the 22nd birthday, I see it as my first anniversary of being able to buy wine.
- I do not know about you, but I feel 22.
- I don’t get older, I level up.
- I hope the birthday cake is as sweet as me.
- I’m not getting older, I’m just becoming a classic.
- It’s my birthday so, you’re allowed to take a piece of cake… But not too much.
- It’s not the years that count, it’s the memories you make over these years.
- Make a wish. #22
- Making my years count instead of counting the years.
- Nothing can stop me this year.
- Only took 22 years to get this cute.
- Started from below we now have 22.
22nd Birthday Pictures Captions
- You really gonna scroll without wishing me a happy 22nd birthday?
- Would it really be my birthday if I didn’t take a selfie?
- Worry less, smile more. Don’t regret, just learn and grow.
- Wishing for you this year #22
- When the candles cost more than the cake, it’s time to realize you’re getting old.
- Well, at least I am not as old as I will be next year!
- Waited 693,792,000 for this.
- Today’s the day I can wear this birthday crown!
- Today, the world received a gift. It’s me and you’re welcome.
- Time to see what 22 is all about.
- Though Life lasts only for a short time, with its joys and sorrows and absolutely no way of predicting tomorrow, I hope today will be the most important to you. Happy 22nd Birthday buddy.
- There are times that my days turn gray yet you still manage to brighten them up. Happy birthday to the love and the light of my life.
- The only thing I hear are 22 beers.
- That man is the richest whose pleasures are cheapest
22nd Birthday Quotes For Instagram

- Have an amazing birthday. It only comes one day a year so do something to make it memorable! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!
- I admire so many things about you. Your dashing good looks, your charm, your sense of humor, but most of all your compassion. Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!
- If I could gift you anything, I would gift you the ability to see yourself through the eyes of others. Happy birthday, champ.
- On the surface of this earth, I feel lucky to be one of the few who knows you, happiest bday!
- The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. — Oprah Winfrey
- They say it’s your birthday; we’re gonna have a good time. – The Beatles, ‘Birthday’
- Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you. — Dr. Seuss
- Today’s my birthday. I always make bad decisions on my birthday. — Doctor Martha Livingston, Agnes of God
- We age not by years, but by stories. — Maza-Dohta
- Wishing you a short and special wish from someone very special. Now if you guess who, I have a special surprise from you. happy birthday dear.