Cheerleaders are the main attraction point at any game or event. Have you seen Cheerleading girls performing at live shows? Whether you’re taking cheerleading photos or posting them on social media, we’ve got you covered. Cheerleaders add glamour to any game, cheers up the team after every hit that makes the atmosphere entertaining.

Table of Contents
People come here to watch live performances of Cheerleaders. Inspirational cheerleading captions with short quotes make your Instagram feed attractive. If you are Cheerleaders then proudly showcase your photos with loud and clear words on them, and let your followers aware.
Cheerleading Captions
- 2 4 6 8 Who do we appreciate…
- A Cheerleader Is A Dreamer That Never Gives Up
- A cheerleader is a dreamer that never gives up.
- A good cheerleader is not measured by the height of her jumps but by the span of her spirits.
- A Squad Is Only As strong As It’s Weakest Cheerleader
- Act like a lady, but cheer like a boss!
- All Women Are Created Equal, Then A Few Become Cheerleaders
- Athlete by nature, cheerleader by choice.
- Athletes lift weights. Cheerleaders lift athletes.
- Be Calm, Be Cool, and Be Collected Hey Hey!
- Be loud, be proud.
- Be so good they can’t ignore you.
- Bring it on
- Can’t hide our pride.
- Cheer All Out Or Don’t Cheer At All
- Cheer My Way Through
- Cheer My Way Through College? Watch Me!
- Cheer squad goals.
- Cheer them to a WIN!
- Cheer time.
- Cheerleaders Are A Team And There Is No I In Team!
- Cheerleaders are angels. They’re the only humans that can fly.
- Cheerleaders are construction artists. They build the best pyramids.
- Cheerleaders Are Simply A Jump Above The Rest.
- Cheerleaders don’t need wings to fly.
- Cheerleading is doing what you love with the people you love most.
- Cheerleading Is My Obsession
- Cheerleading Is The Passion For Perfection!
- Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.
- Competition Bound
Captions For Cheerleaders Pictures
- Defense! Defense!!
- Do more things that require pom-poms.
- Don’t let a fear of falling keep you from flying.
- Don’t let your fear of falling keep you from flying.
- Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong.
- Eat. Sleep. Cheer. Repeat.
- Excuse me, I have to go be awesome.
- Extend Yourself. Cheer
- Fly high, do or die, dare to dream, cheer extreme.
- Flying Isn’t Just For The Birds Anymore!
- Friends who cheer together, stay together.
- GIVE ME A [first letter of your school name]
- Go BLUE! [or what ever your school colors are]
- Go team Fight team Win team WIN!!
- Go, team, go!
- Good, better, best. Never let it rest until your good is better and your better is best.
- Hate us ’cause we’re beautiful—well we don’t like you either, we’re cheerleaders.
- Hello from the sidelines.
- Hey, There Is No Halftime For Cheerleaders!
Best Cheerleading Instagram Captions

- Home Team Advantage
- Hooray for Our Team
- Hoping all my swishes come true.
- Huddling up with my best friends and pom-poms.
- Hustle and heart will set you apart.
- I cheer on two occasions: day and night.
- I Don’t Just Cheer. I Inspire
- I don’t sweat, I sparkle.
- I love you to the end zone and back.
- I Only Cheer On 2 Occasions – Day And Night.
- I Sleep, I Dream, I Cheer
- If Cheerleading Was Easy, It Would Be Called Football
- If you train hard, you’ll be hard to beat.
- If You’ve Got The Game, We’ve Got The Cheer
- I’m a cheerleader from bow to toe.
- I’m all about the Friday nights and field lights.
- I’m in a serious relation-chip with my team.
- I’m Not A Cheerleader. I’m An Athletic Supporter
- In our team we trust.
- It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, it’s about what you do in your cheerleading shoes!
- It’s game day, people!
- It’s hard to be humble when you can jump, stunt, and tumble.
- Jocks Lift Weights… Cheerleaders Lift People!
Instagram Captions For Cheerleaders
- Jump, Shout, Knock yourself out!!
- Jump, Shout, Yell your head off!
- Jump, Shout, Yell!
- Just because it looks effortless doesn’t mean it is.
- Just flying by to say hi!
- Keep your head high, your bow higher, and your stunt highest!
- Live To Cheer!
- Look At Her Fly
- My heart beats in 8 counts.
- No time for losers, cause we are the champions of the world.
- Not on a field, not on a court, but believe me, it’s a sport!
- Nothing sweeter than a cheerleader
- Nothing’s Sweeter Than This Cheerleader!
- Peace, Love & Cheerleading. The Rest Is Just Details
- Pom Poms R US
- Practice like you’ve never won. Perform like you’ve never lost.
- Put a little pep in your step.
- Put your game face on.
- Rah Rah Ziss Boom Bah
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Cheerleading Quotes And Sayings

- Raise the bar, then soar above it.
- Ready… Ok
- Root Root Root for the Home Team …if they don’t win it’s a shame.
- Shake your pom-poms.
- She believed she could fly, so she did.
- Sorry for what I said when we were losing.
- Sorry, I can’t. I have cheerleading practice.
- Tackling this game one cheer at a time.
- Team up.
- The Best Team In the West
- The chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
- The harder you push yourself when no one is looking, the easier it will be to when they are.
- The relief you feel after a stunt hits
- The Time To Cheer Is Near!
- There is no team, like the best team, which is our team, right here.
- There Is Only One Way To Cheer – HARD!
- Today’s Heroes
- We Are the Champions … We are the champions.
- We Got Spirit
Cheerleading Captions for Instagram
- We Got The Spirit!
- What You See Is What You Get, And You Aint’ Seen Nothin’ Yet!
- When in doubt, cheer it out.
- When in doubt, cheer your heart out.
- Wimps Lift Weights, Cheerleaders Lift People
- Win or lose, we love this team.
- Wrestling Cheerleading…What REAL Women Do During Basketball Season
- Yes, I’m A Cheerleader, Yes, I’m An Athlete, Yes, I’m A Girl… Gotta Problem With That?
- You glow girl.
- You Let Us Win Like We Let You Lose!
- You Mess With Me, You Mess With The Whole Squad.
- You will never know your limits until you push your limits to them.