40+ Christian Breakup Lines: End a Relationship with Grace!

Breaking up in relationship is never been easy, but sometimes it helps to tackle the situation with kindness and faith. Christian break up lines can be kind and respectful, when keeping full faith in God.

A thoughtful way to end a relationship could be I believe God has a something better for us. Another way to say goodbye, we need to focus on our relationship with God first. These lines show respect for the each other while trusting in God’s plan. Staying positive, confidents and believing in ourselves can help us heal during tough times.

Christian Breakup Lines

  • At least I got a lot out of our Bible studies together.
  • At the rate I’m growing spiritually, you’ll never be able to catch up.
  • God loves me and has a better plan for my life.
  • God loves me and must have a better plan for my life.
  • Hey, I’m Will. God’s will. (This one helps if your actual name is Will).
  • How many times do I have to walk around you to make you fall for me?
  • How would you like to join my Purpose Driven Life?
  • I believe one of my ribs belongs to you.
  • I didn’t believe in predestination until tonight.
  • I didn’t know angels flew this low.
  • I do love you, but it’s only an agape type of love right now.
  • I feel called to the mission field.  As far away from you and as soon as possible.
  • I feel like Peter: I used to walk on water when I thought of you but now I’m sinking and just need to get back into the boat.
  • I have familiarized myself with all 5 love languages, in fact, I invented 4 of them.
  • I just want you to know, I’m praying for you… No, I’m praying “FOR” you.

ALSO READ: 50 Best Dr Seuss Break Up Lines Will Laugh You Through Tears

Funny Christian Breakup Lines

  • I mentioned you in my testimony.
  • I really want to get out of my comfort zone.
  • I think we should just be prayer partners.
  • I’m interested in full time ministry, and not only that… I also play the guitar.
  • I’m modeling my life after Jesus, and he was celibate.
  • I’m sorry, I’ve found someone more spiritual.
  • I’m sorry, it’s just not God’s will.
  • I’m usually not very prophetic, but I can see us together.
  • I’ve decided to try celibacy for a while.
  • I’ve read C.S. Lewis’ Four Loves and you’re not one of them.
  • If we were around with Noah… then you + me = pair.
  • Is it a sin that you stole my heart?
  • Is it hot in here or is that just the Holy Spirit burning inside of you?
  • Is that a thinline, duo-tone, compact, ESV Travel Bible in your pocket?
  • Is this the transfiguration? Because you are glowing.

Unique Christian Pick Up Lines

Unique Christian Pick Up Lines
  • Is your name Faith? ‘Cause you’re the substance of things I’ve hoped for.
  • It could never work.  I’m Arminian and you’re Calvinist.  It’s like I chose you, but God chose me for you.  It’s like you have no will in this relationship at all.
  • It’s not you, it’s Jesus.
  • Last night, it got a little too secular for me.
  • Me + You = Song of Songs: the remix.
  • Now I know why Solomon had 700 wives… Because he never met you.
  • So last night I was reading in the book of Numbers, and then I realized, I don’t have yours.
  • There’s always Christian Mingle.
  • Unfortunately I can’t perform miracles and I’ve only got enough bread and fish for 2 people.
  • We talk a lot about being spirit-led. Well, the spirit led me straight to you.
  • You know, I feel like I’m dating my brother.
  • You need someone with lower standards.
  • You’re just not evangelical enough.
  • You’re my sister (or brother) in the Lord, and I just don’t feel right about dating my sister.
  • Your hair is like a flock of goats.


As a creative writer, Sarah Jones enjoys writing, with years of experience producing high-quality content for various occasions including Instagram captions, as well as spiritual content for better social media engagement.

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