The ultimate collection of unique and funny Transformers Pick Up Lines to engage your followers on social media. Crazy fans of the Transformers movies know how thrilling and action-packed they can be.
Boys and girls can use these Transformers pickup lines, which range from naughty and flirty to funny and punny lines pickup lines are a great way to engage your followers and show off your sense of humor. Whether you’re sharing a photo of your Transformer toy or just showing your love for the movie series.

Catchy lines about Transformer can spice up social media posts. It’s fun and easy to show off your series’ love and make your friends & followers smile.
Transformers Pick Up Lines
- Are you an insecticon, because you are a Bombshell.
- Are you Decepticon? Because I want to be bad with you.
- Are you the All Spark, because you have given me a new meaning of life.
- Are you the All Spark? Because you have given true meaning to my life.
- Are you the leader of the Autobots? Because your pussy is prime.
- As you can see, I am transformed by looking at your beauty.
- Babe, I am really robots in disguise, you have to check in my pants to find out.
- Babe, you are going have to transform to vehicle mode with me tonight.
- Cause I’d like to do bad things with you.
- Come park in a field with me and I promise not to scuff that pretty paint job too much…
- Come park in the field with me, and I won’t mess with the paint job.
- Could you donate your body to me? It is for a science project.
- Did you exhaust? ‘Cause you just blew me away.
- Do I look like a Quintesson? Because you’re making my head spin!
- Do you fancy a fender bender?
- Do you know how to transform into vehicle mode? We will need it tonight.
- Do you know what I could do to you with this?
- Do you seem like the leader of the Autobots? Because you have pussy prime.
- Fancy a fender bender?
- Girl, I was just a machine, until you transformed me into something more.
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Cheesy Transformers Pick Up Lines
- Girl, you don’t need to transform yourself, because you are already the girl of my dreams.
- Girl, you will have to stay in vehicle mode after I am done with you tonight.
- Hey baby, wanna transform & roll out to my place?
- Hey, I wanted to give you the latest update: I am transformed.
- How to Respond to Transformer Pick Up Line: And if you weren’t a bot, I’d love to make you mine.
- How would you like to donate your body to me…for science?
- I am rumbling. Would you mind activating my piledriver?
- I am still not done with you, and I don’t think I will ever be.
- I am transformed.
- I cannot locate my mincion, and I was asking if I could combine it with you.
- I have a beautiful plan. I will transform and roll you out to my room.
- I know my * looks small in this form, but there is more than meets the eye once you come in for a ride.
- I lost my minicon, can I combine with you instead?
- I think you require a ride. Aren’t you?
- I was wondering if I could ride you home. Opps, give you a ride home.
- I’d be your transformer tonight, and you know Transformers make fine adult toys too.
- If you were a transformer ,your name would be Optimus Fine.
- If you were a transformer, you would be a hotterbot.
- If your gonna ride, ride in STYLE!
- If you’re good I’ll let you hold my AllSpark.
Best Transformers Pick Up Lines

- I’ll rotate more than just you tires baby.
- Is that your crankshaft, or you are just happy to see me.
- Is that your crankshaft? Or are you just happy to see me?
- It appears that you clean your armor with Windex because I can see my heart in you.
- It looks like you are exhausted after blowing me away from your beauty.
- I’ve got THREE modes.
- Lemme show you my Megatron.
- Let’s roll out to my place and transform!
- Looks like you needs a tune up from the inside out.
- My little engine isn’t any bot, it’s an Autobot.
- My spark feeds on LOVE, baby!
- Need an oil change? I’d pump some engine oil inside you.
- One day, an Autobot shall rise from my pants, and use the power of my matrix to light your darkest area.
- Oops, my trunk seems to keep popping open. Mind giving it a good slap shut for me?
- People call me the Beast Machine.
- Primus must be missing an angel.
- There must be something wrong with my optics, I can’t take them off you.
- They call me rumble. Do you want to activate my piledriver?
- Wanna see why they REALLY call me Doubleheader?
- Want me to transform into the girl of your dreams?
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Funny Transformers Pick Up Lines
- Want to go back to my place and transform my Erector?
- When I was eight I had your picture on my underwear.
- You a transformer autobot? Let’s go make the next generation of bots.
- You are a transformer because you are hot.
- You are more than meets the way.
- You are my bumblebee.
- You are not aware, but I am a robot in disguise. Do you want to check?
- You are truly my bumblebee.
- You can also call me Quintesson because my head spins after looking at you.
- You don’t know, but you are an Optimus Fine because you have fine written all over you.
- You don’t need car keys to make me transform or start my ignition… only your touch.
- You have transformed this machine into something more important than I ever thought I could be.
- You know I’m premium octane and not regular unleaded like the rest.
- You know what they say about bots with good shock absorbers.
- You look like a bumble bee today. Will you come with me to my place?
- You mean more then meets the eye.
- You must be a Decepticon.
- You must be an insecticon, ’cause you are definately a Bombshell.
- You’re going to have to be in vehicle mode for 2 weeks after I’m done with you.
- You’re my bumblebee.
Working Transformers Pick Up Lines

- If you’re good I’ll let you hold my Matrix.
- Looks like you needs a tune up.
- Is that your light cannon or are you just happy to see me?
- Girl, if you were a transformer , you must be a bot or hot, and his name would be Optimus Fine.
- Gurl, let’s transform this cold snap into some polar vorsex.
- Did you clean your armor with Windex? I can practically see myself in you!
- My GPS must be on the fritz, because I’m lost in your optics!
- You must be Elita One because when I’m with you, time stands still!
- You know what they say about bots with good shock absorbers…
- If life is a highway, I want to drive with you all night long.
- You do know Transformers are adult toys too.
- Let’s go steamy and transform into Titans.
- If you were a transformer you would be Optimus fine.
- My name is Michael Bay. Wanna be in the new Transformers movie? You gotta do something for me first…